I have always been a believer in your products. As you know, we have many of them in our house
right now.

We started with the Air purification units. We still have in operation that first system from 12 years ago.

We also now have a smaller system in the basement as well as two plug-in units at the bedroom level. The smaller systems are easy to take on trips for use in hotels or in friends/relatives houses.

We purchased the Living Water system over two years ago. While it is expensive, I have found great value in it. Its benefits (cancer prevention/anti-oxidant) are beyond a dollar figure.

We now are using the Laundry Pure. We no longer need detergent or hot water.

What are the benefits? Especially since the purchase of the Living Water, we have noticed an alarming lack of Illness in the family. In that time, I have not had as much as a common cold and my seasonal allergies have disappeared.

I haven’t had to make my annual visit to the strep throat doctor in over ten years now. Coincidence? I don’t think so. The rest of my family has had similar experiences.