Let Me Ask You A Question…

  • Do you struggle to lose weight?
  • Sick of diets that don’t deliver the results they promised?
  • Ready for a long-term solution that REALLY works?

You’re in the right place!


I know you’ve been waiting for…

Some magic diet or cure to appear, and fix your belly bloat/low energy/digestive issues.

A spark to motivate you long-term, and transform your life from the inside out…from the way you eat to the way you manage stress and take care of yourself.

A moment when you great, look amazing, and can finally tell the world “I did it… and, this time, it’s sticking.”

The problem is:

Pills, powders, and diets? They don’t work long-term. Ever.

But here’s the good news:
I’ve got a solution for you.

I’m a disease prevention expert and health coach who believes in the concept of bio individuality.

Translation? I know there’s no one magic diet or cure for anyone.

Instead, I’m here to help you learn what foods fuel YOUR unique body, as well as the exercise routines, health, and de-stressing strategies that work for your life & schedule.

The best part?
It’s all inside this one phenomenal program.

So if you’re ready to:

Lose weight quickly and easily – just by making smart choices (instead of depriving yourself)

Ditch old habits that don’t serve you anymore.

Kick those quick fixes with 0 results to the curb.

Stop buying book after book, doing diet after diet, and still not experiencing the changes you desire.

Uncover more happiness, more energy, and a feeling of total balance throughout the day.

Live a life free from confusion about what to eat, where you feel completely in control of your body and mind.

… then welcome home.

I know you’re ready to jump into action, so let’s dive right in!


3 Omnivore and Vegan 14-Day Weight Loss Program

Mouthwatering recipes

A Self-Paced Program delivered directly to your inbox

Daily Email Support to provide support & accountability!

Join us today and
you will pay only $97!



6 – PermaCharts that contains content that will provide easy-to-read and easy-to-understand training and performance support on the subject – and all presented in the most useful way! Click here for more details.

Join us today and
you will pay only $137!

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7 – PermaCharts that contains content that will provide easy-to-read and easy-to-understand training and performance support on the subject – and all presented in the most useful way! Click here for more details.

2 – 40 Minute Private Coaching Calls with me to help you obtain the results you want in Record Time!

Join us today and
you will pay only $497!
(Shipping extra)

Once upon a time, I took the bait, too.

I bought every health book out there, watched all the shows, and spent hours on the Internet researching the “right foods for my body”.

What I discovered is that there IS no “right” food! We are all different and have unique nutritional needs.

And that’s what I’m here to prove to you over the next 14 days.

If you are feeling…

  • Tired
  • Sluggish
  • Moody
  • Hormonally imbalanced
  • Fatigued
  • Bloated

That’s your body telling you it’s time for a change. So let’s do this. Together.



Hello, my name is Elaine Gibson and I beat stage IV cancer without traditional protocols! Now I share my hard-won lessons so you too can lose weight, have more energy, create and renew optimum health. Recently, I have been prominently featured during International Raw Food Day 2013, 2014, 12 Days of Raw Christmas, G O RAW! and Integrated Health Magazines.

In addition I was cited as one of the 10 Most Inspirational Natural Cancer Survivors by Extreme Health Radio, Cure 2 Cancer Conference speaker and part of the important Quest for the Cures documentary series. This fall I was interviewed for the Cure to Cancer Conference Tele summit along with Dr. Brian Clement and Dr. Gabriel Cousens.

Today I am a health coach, raw food educator, raw food chef, speaker, author, green technology specialist, workshop leader and, most important, grandmother. I must admit that I am a total green juiceaholic.

Here’s a peek at what’s inside this program:

  • Two programs in one! Both vegan and non-vegan complete 14 day plans.
  • A weight loss e-Guide that touches on each aspect of what you need to do, step by step, to drop weight within the 14 days. Enjoy the rock-solid foundational holistic health basics, like how to balance blood sugar, improve metabolism, and ramp up overall health in the process – all while shedding those pounds.
  • Mouthwatering recipes and suggested meals you will love incorporating into your busy life.
  • Shopping lists (2 weeks of non-vegan and vegan).
  • 14 Days at a Glance (vegan & non-vegan) with meals broken down day by day for you to make weight loss easy as 1-2-3
  • Email support to provide support and accountability

Plus you’ll receive the following 5 Bonus E-Books you won’t find anywhere else

  • Food Combining
  • Drink Yourself Skinny
  • Low Glycemic Chart
  • Weight Loss Tracker
  • Food Diary


3 Omnivore and Vegan 14-Day Weight Loss Program

Mouthwatering recipes

A Self-Paced Program delivered directly to your inbox

Daily Email Support to provide support & accountability!

Join us today and
you will pay only $97!



6 – PermaCharts that contains content that will provide easy-to-read and easy-to-understand training and performance support on the subject – and all presented in the most useful way! Click here for more details.

Join us today and
you will pay only $137!

(Shipping extra)



7 – PermaCharts that contains content that will provide easy-to-read and easy-to-understand training and performance support on the subject – and all presented in the most useful way! Click here for more details.

2 – 40 Minute Private Coaching Calls with me to help you obtain the results you want in Record Time!

Join us today and
you will pay only $497!
(Shipping extra)

But I know you’re probably wondering:

“How is this any different than a diet?”

When you diet, you’re dwelling on fats, counting calories, and restrictions. Most of the time, you end up feeling tired and just plain frustrated, right?

That’s what makes this program so different.

Unlike a diet, this 14-day adventure teaches you how to eat foods that are healthy and delicious… and you’ll never have to count a single calorie.

Instead, you’ll learn how to effortlessly meet your health goals over a 14-day period.

The outcome? You start making long-lasting changes, instead of opting for the next quick fix.

Once I began making better choices about my food, water and lifestyle, which included what you will find in the 11-Day Clean Eating System, not only did I feel better but I lost 28 pounds and dropped 4-5 sizes!

Before and After

Clean eating is more than a strategy; it’s a lifestyle!

You’re about to embark on a life-changing experience, because you’re about to ditch the diet mentality forever.

In just 2 weeks, you’ll discover:

  • YOUR unique healthy blueprint
  • Which foods give you optimal energy and jumpstart your metabolism
  • How to plan your own healthy, stress-free meals – even if you’re busy and have no time
  • The exact steps, week by week, that help you achieve long-lasting results
  • More about yourself and your body than ever, with daily assignments over a 28-day period that will empower you to make lifelong changes
  • Tips or cooking healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes that will leave you satisfied with every bite
  • Tactics for crowding out the bad stuff, so you can bring in yummy foods to replace ‘em – no deprivation here!

Don’t spend another ounce of energy thinking about when or what to eat.

This program guarantees results AND takes the headache out of “What should I eat today?”

It’s time to get your energy, your body, and your life back.

So take the first step.
Start feeling your best today. Glow from the inside out.
Feel outstanding no matter how busy your life is, because you deserve to feel incredible with every breath.

I promise you this:

  • You will not starve.
  • You will not be deprived.
  • You will thrive.

No more diets.
No more wondering which foods are right for you.

Just a simple, 14-day weight loss program based on whole foods delivered straight to your inbox the moment you click

I thought I didn’t have time to introduce new concepts into my life… I was wrong.

“It is never too late to make positive changes. Open your mind and your heart and allow Elaine’s inspiration and knowledge be the catalyst for the progression to a healthy you. I, like many others, lead a hectic life. I thought I didn’t have time to introduce new concepts and activities into my life, it was just too much effort. I was wrong. With Elaine’s assistance and understanding, the small steps of change I took have now become an integral part of my routine. I no longer see the future desired changes as large an unachievable.

Take care of yourself, you deserve it. And so do those who love you.”


Thanks for the help, lost 78 pounds

“THANK YOU so much for the advice and information on green juicing which I am absolutely addicted to. Your raw food tips, coupled with simple steps to better health have helped me lose 78 pounds! Yes weight loss, although not the focus as you say-getting healthy is-was a direct by-product. I have not felt better in years. My 2 year old thanks you; her daddy will be around to see her milestones in life. Thank you Elaine and the folks at Renewed Living!”



Not at all! There are recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and there is room for snacks in between. Every meal is delicious and created by a fabulous chef to nourish your body from the inside out. This program is not about starvation or deprivation, and we are not counting calories or dwelling on carbs. You will feel satisfied with every bite. If you do get hungry, there are extra snack recipes included!

Please workout during the program! If you feel tired or have low energy, exercising restores both strength and energy. During this program, you will be eating protein and drinking plenty of liquids, so if you’re already exercising, there’s no reason to stop! It is important to remember that whenever you change the foods you eat your body changes as well. Please consult with your doctor if you have any specific concerns about your health.

You will have the option for plant or animal-based proteins, which will be listed out for you in your recipes and suggested meals. There are so many “clean eating protein sources” to choose from you won’t get bored with your options!

No way! While there are some juices and smoothies for you to choose from, you will also be eating salads, soups, and even desserts that are delicious, nutritious, and will eliminate toxins in your body in a safe and natural way.

Not in this program!! The only supplement I recommend that everyone take on a daily basis is a probiotic, and you’ll learn why in this program.

If you are nursing, I suggest that you add at least 4-6 ounces of protein at lunch and dinner, boost your morning smoothie with a scoop of hemp or pea protein, and eat snacks in between meals. Make sure you are consuming extra fat and drinking enough liquids. This program does not include any detox-provoking agents, but again, please consult with your doctor prior to starting this program if you have any health concerns.

You are going to feel so strong and energized it will amaze you! In the beginning, your body may go through a “healing phase” to re-balance and let go of toxicity. It is important to listen to your body through this program, and I will be here to support you with that. I will guide you step by step through exactly what can be done to reduce any unwanted symptoms that may appear. This program is completely flexible for figuring out what works for YOU!

Many people who eat very “clean” already still have room to empty out the pipes with an elimination diet and take their healthy habits to the next level. Changing up the foods we eat gives our digestion time to rest and reset, which can be helpful for anyone regardless of their current eating habits.

Some people go through this program and feel nothing but energized, while others may feel tired or light-headed as their bodies eliminate and let go of unnecessary toxins. The experience will differ from one person to the next, but this program is designed with that in mind, and you’ll have access to all the tools you need to keep any unwanted symptoms at bay.

While this program is based on eating only whole foods, it is still advised that you consult your physician before beginning this or any program.


3 Omnivore and Vegan 14-Day Weight Loss Program

Mouthwatering recipes

A Self-Paced Program delivered directly to your inbox

Daily Email Support to provide support & accountability!

Join us today and
you will pay only $97!



6 – PermaCharts that contains content that will provide easy-to-read and easy-to-understand training and performance support on the subject – and all presented in the most useful way! Click here for more details.

Join us today and
you will pay only $137!

(Shipping extra)



7 – PermaCharts that contains content that will provide easy-to-read and easy-to-understand training and performance support on the subject – and all presented in the most useful way! Click here for more details.

2 – 40 Minute Private Coaching Calls with me to help you obtain the results you want in Record Time!

Join us today and
you will pay only $497!
(Shipping extra)

There is no time to waste to experience disease prevention, more energy & the weight loss you deserve!

Be sure to Join Us Today by Selecting the Detox Package That’s Right For you!